Discord Command Documentation

This page contains documentation for each of SlugBot's Discord commands.

misc module

!avatar [member]

Use this command to view a fullsized image of a member’s avatar. Use the command with no arguments to view a fullsized image of your own avatar.


Parameter Value Description
[member] Username Discord username of the user to be muted
discord ID discord ID of the user to be muted
discord member mention Mention member to be muted


!avatar Tikaro

This will display Tikaro’s avatar.


Use this command to ban yourself.

!getrawmessage <message>

Use this command to view the raw message text of a message with out embedded markdown.


Parameter Value Description
<message ID> Number Discord message ID of message

!help [command]

Use this command to get info on how to use a specific command. Use the command with no arguments to get a link to this documentation.


Parameter Value Description
[command] command name of command to display information on


!help giveme

This will display documentation on the giveme command.

!leaderboard <leaderboard>

Use this command to view the specified leaderboard


Parameter Value Description
<leaderboard> Activity View activity leaderboard
Activity weekly View weekly activity leaderboard
Slugboard View Slugboard leaderboard
Ladder View Ladder leaderboards

!math <expression>

Use this command to calculate the value of a mathematical expression


Parameter Value Description
<expression> mathematical expression A resolvable mathematical expression


!math 84^2 / pi

This will get a response with the value of the expression.

!names [member]

Use this command to get a list of past usernames and display names of a member. Use this command with no arguments to get a list of yourown past usernames and display names.


Parameter Value Description
[member] Username Discord username of the user
discord ID discord ID of the user
Mention member discord member mention


!names Tikaro

This will display Tikaro’s past display names.


Use this command to get SlugBot’s ping in milliseconds.

!profile [member [flag|unflag]]|[wallpaper <img link>]|[color <hex color>]

Use this command to view members profiles or edit yourown. Use the command with no arguments to view yourown profile or specify a member to view their profile.

Use !profile wallpaper <img link> to set an image as your profile wallpaper. The <img link> must be a direct link to an image.

Use !profile color <hex color> to set the general text color for your profile. <hex color> must be a hex color code in the format of #000 or #000000.

Moderators can also flag profile images as inappropriate using the format !profile <@member> flag|unflag. A flagged profile will no longer display its wallpaper in the server the command was used in. Using the command with the keyword unflag will allow the profile to display its wallpaper again.


Parameter Value Description
[member] Username Discord username of the user
discord ID discord ID of the user
Mention member discord member mention
[flag|unflag] flag specify to flag a profile as inappropriate
unflag specify to unflag a profile as inappropriate
[wallpaper] wallpaper specify that you would like to change your profile wallpaper
<img link> URL A direct link to an image.
[color] color specify that you would like to change your profile's general text color
<hex color> color code In hexadecimal


!profile Asheran

This will display Asheran’s profile

!profile color #fffdd0

This will set the text color of your profile to the color corresponding to #FFFDD0.

!profile wallpaper https://i.imgur.com/Au1shBI.png

This will set your profile wallpaper to the linked image.

!say [channel] [message]

Use this command to make SlugBot send a message in the specified channel. If no channel is mentioned, SlugBot will send the message in the channel the command was used in.


Parameter Value Description
[channel] Channel mention Discord channel to send message to.

!setcolor [member] <color hex code | reset>

Use this command to set your role color.


Parameter Value Description
[member] Username Discord username of the user.
discord ID discord ID of the user.
discord member mention Mention member.
<color hex code | reset> Color hex code Hex code for color.
reset 'reset' keyword to reset member's set color.


!setcolor Specter #ffffff

This will set Specters name color to white.

!setcolor Specter reset

This will revert Specter’s name color to their normal highest-role-defined color.

!slime <member>

Use this command to slime a member’s profile


Parameter Value Description
<member> Username Discord username of the user
discord ID discord ID of the user
Mention member discord member mention


!slime Tikaro

This will slime Tikaro’s profile if a slime token is owned.

!slugballs <question>

Use this command to ask SlugBot a question, like a magic eight ball - only more rude.


Parameter Value Description
<question> String The question you wish to ask SlugBot


!slugballs Should I play dark souls?

This will make SlugBot respond with an answer to the question.

!teambuilder [member, [member, [...]]] <team count>

Use this command to build a specific number of random teams.


Parameter Value Description
[member] Username Discord username of the user
discord ID discord ID of the user
Mention member discord member mention
<team count> Number number of teams to split the members into.


!teambuilder alex, tikaro, Cog, Eve 2

This will split the four given members into two teams of two.

!teambuilder 4

This will split any member who reacts to the message into 4 teams, as evenly as possible.

!item [ds1|ds2|ds3|bb|er] <search words>

Used to search items in soulsborne games and return item descriptions.


Parameter Value Description
[ds1|ds2|ds3|bb|er] ds1 Limit the item search to only Dark Souls 1.
ds2 Limit the item search to only Dark Souls 2.
ds3 Limit the item search to only Dark Souls 3.
bb Limit the item search to only Bloodborne.
er Limit the item search to only Elden Ring.
<search words> String Find items relating to this search string


!item gael's greatsword

This will search for an item with ‘gael’s greatsword’ in the name or description across all Dark Souls games.

!item ds1 rapier

This will search for an item in Dark Souls 1 with ‘rapier’ in the name or description.

!guess <answer>

Use this command to guess at the answer for the scavenger hunt.


Parameter Value Description
<answer> String Guess to the answer of Harvey's riddle.


!guess parsnip

This will check if the guess of parsnip is correct.

!setnick <member> <new nickname>

!gallery [add | remove]

!roleatladderrank <ladder name> (add <role> <give at rank> [remove at rank]) | remove <role>)

Used to specify a role to be given to members once they reach a rank in the ladder. If [remove at rank] is specified, the role will be removed from members who’s rank is higher than the stated [remove at rank] value


Parameter Value Description
<ladder name> Ladder name Name of ladder to check rank in.
<role> Role name Name of role that will be given when the specified rank requirement is met.
<give at rank> Number Level requirement for the role to be given.
<remove at rank> Number Level requirement for the role to be removed.


!roleatladderrank PC DS3 add Bronze 3

This will give the role ‘Bronze’ to any member who is rank 3 or higher in the ‘PC DS3’ ladder.

!roleatladderrank PC DS3 remove Bronze

This will stop the ‘Bronze’ role from being given to members based on ladder rank.

!roleatladderrank PC DS3 list

This will list all roles that will be given to/removed from members based on their ranking in the PC DS3 ladder.

!poll (end [poll msg ID]) | ([description] 1: <option 1 description> 2: <option 2 description> [...])

Use this command to start a poll with the given options. If an amount of time is given in the description, that will be used as the duration of the poll. End a poll by using the end argument and optionally a poll message ID.


Parameter Value Description
[description] String Optional parameter to add a description to the poll message.
1: <option 1 description> String A label for a voting option. The prefix number must be included.
[poll msg ID] Discord message ID The message ID of a poll message.


!poll Should I stream Dark Souls 1 or Dark Souls 3 today? You have 30 mins to vote! 1: Dark Souls 1 2: Dark Souls 3

This will create a new poll with the description of “Should I stream Dark Souls 1 or Dark Souls 3 today? You have 30 mins to vote!”, with two options, that will automatically conclude in 30 minutes.

!poll end

This will terminate the most recent poll started by the command user. The poll message will be edited with the final results.

!poll end 753674416801579040

This will attempt to terminate the poll with message ID 753674416801579040.


Displays all emojis and their IDs in the guild.

!rank [member] | [rank]

Use this command with no arguments to view your own profile - displaying score and rank. Specify a member to view their profile.


Parameter Value Description
[member] Username Discord username of the user
discord ID discord ID of the user
Mention member discord member mention
[rank] #Number Get profile of member at specified rank. Denoted by '#' followed by rank.
##Number Get profile of member at specified WEEKLY rank. Denoted by '##' followed by weekly rank.


!rank Tikaro

This will display Tikaro’s profile with server rank and weekly rank if applicable.

!rank #2

This will display the profile of the member with server score rank 2.

!rep <member> [amount of rep]

Use this command to view a members profile or give another member rep points.


Parameter Value Description
<member> Username Discord username of the user
discord ID discord ID of the user
Mention member discord member mention
[amount of rep] Integer number Amount of rep to give to specified member


!rep Tikaro 2

This will attempt to give member Tikaro 2 rep points.

!roleatlevel (add <role> <give at level> [remove at level] [sendNotification?]) | remove <role>)

Used to specify a role to be given to members once they reach a certain level. If [remove at level] is specified, the role will be removed from members who’s level is higher than the stated [remove at level] value


Parameter Value Description
<role> Role name Name of role that will be given when the specified level requirement is met.
<give at level> Number Level requirement for the role to be given.
<remove at level> Number Level requirement for the role to be removed.
[sendNotification?] true Specify that a notification should be sent in chat when a member reaches the level requirement.
false Specify that a notification SHOULD NOT be sent in chat when a member reaches the level requirement.
null If omitted, will default to 'true'.


!roleatlevel add Trusted 10

This will give the role ‘Trusted’ to any member who reaches level 10.

!roleatlevel add Trusted 10 false

This will give the role ‘Trusted’ to any member who reaches level 10. No chat notification will be sent.

!roleatlevel add Sleg 5 10

This will give the role ‘Sleg’ to any member who reaches level 5 but will be removed again once they reach level 10.

!weeklyscorereset <true | false>

Use this command to activate weekly score resets and the weekly score leaderboard.


Use this command to force slugbot to join your twitch chat. You must have first linked your discord and twitch accounts using [!twitch ]

!ch <true|false>


Used to link a Discord account with a Twitch account. After using the command, you will be DMed with a six digit code on Discord. Send this code in SmugSlugBot’s chat on twitch to confirm the account link.

customcommands module

!command (add | (remove <command>) | list

Used to add/edit a custom command that will respond with a specified string. alternatively regex can be used in place of a command to make SlugBot send a response message whenever the regex matches a members message.

The response can contain certain replacer flags that will be replaced will specific values when sent by slugbot.

Documentation on replacer flags can be found here


Parameter Value Description
<command> New command string
Existing command string Will overwrite its response
Regex keyword indicated by a string starting and ending with `/`
<response> String will be displayed when the custom command is used or the regex is matched


/command add flip You flipped a coin and got ${rand:heads|tails}!

This will add a command that will respond with You flipped a coin and got heads! OR You flipped a coin and got tails! when the command !flip is used.

/command add /don't\s@\sme/ <@${id}>

This will create a regex keyword match that will respond with a discord mention whenever a message contains the string don't @ me.

rolemanagement module

!giveme [add|remove] <role name>

Use this command to set roles to be self-assignable or toggle self-assignable roles. Using the command with no arguments will list all self-assignable roles.


Parameter Value Description
[add|remove] add specify to add new self-assignable role
remove specify to remove existing self-assignable role
<role name> role name Case insensitive string containing a role name. can include spaces
role mention Discord role mention


!giveme add slug

This will set the role slug as self-assignable as long as the role exists in the server.

!giveme slug

This will give the member the slug role if they don’t already have it - or remove it if they do.

!rolereact create [msg ID] | (<msg ID> add <reaction> <role>) | (<msg ID> remove [reaction]) | (<msg ID> update)

Use this command to create a RoleReact message - allowing users to assign roles to themselves using the reactions on the message.


Parameter Value Description
[create|add|remove|desc|color] create Create a new RoleReact message. Optionally giving a message ID will initialise rolereacts on that message instead of creating a roleReact embed.
add Add new self-assignable role.
remove Remove existing self-assignable role.
desc Update the RoleReact description.
color Update the embed color of the RoleReact message.
require Specify a required role needed to use the RoleReact.
exclusive specify that only one role from this RoleReact can be taken at a time.
<msg ID> Number The message ID of an existing RoleReact message.
<reaction> emoji A default or custom emoji.
<role> String The name of a role.
<description> String A description to display in the RoleReact message.

general module


Displays info about this guild - including server age, member count, and welcome message.

!userinfo [member]

This command will display general info on yourself or the specified member.


!userinfo Alex_

This will display guild info on member ‘Alex_’. Stating no member will display userinfo on the member who used the command.

admin module

!permissions ((module|command <command name>) | score | SlugBot) [<setting> (channel|role|user)]

Use this command to add or remove constraints on command usage.

Adding a channel constraint will mean the specified command can only be used in that channel.

Adding a role constraint will mean the specified command can only be used by members with that role. ADDING ROLE CONSTRAINTS WILL OVERRIDE DEFAULT PERMISSION REQUIREMENTS.


Parameter Value Description
<command|score> SlugBot command name The name of the command you wish to set permission constraints for.
score The string `score` stating that constraints on when XP is given are to be set instead.
<setting> disable disable the command/module.
enable enable the command/module.
whitelist specify that the command should be whitelisted
blacklist specify that the command should be blacklisted
remove specify that the permissions should be removed
(channel|role|user) channel A channel mention stating the command/module permissions are confined to that channel.
role A role name stating the command/module permissions are confined to that role.
user A user mention stating the command/module permissions are confined to that user.


!permissions command weapon whitelist #bot-stuff

This will whitelist the channel #bot-stuff for the command !weapon - meaning the !weapon command can only be used in that channel.

!permissions score blacklist #bot-stuff

This will stop SlugBot from giving users XP for activity in the #bot-stuff channel.

!permissions SlugBot whitelist #bot-stuff

This will only allow SlugBot commands to be used in the #bot-stuff channel.

setup module

!setchannel [<channel to set> [reset]]

Set channels for SlugBot to use. Using this command with no arguments will show information on set channels.


Parameter Value Description
<channel to set> welcome Channel used for welcome messages.
default Channel used for Member Event reminders and weekly score winners.
log Channel used for general logging.
modlog Channel used for mod action logging.
leaderboard Channel used for the score leaderboard.
stream Channel used for stream notifications.
memberevents Channel used for member events.
slugboard Channel used for the slugboard.
micmuted Channel used for text channel that can only be used when a member is in a voice channel.
[reset] reset To reset a set channel.


!setchannel welcome

This will set the channel the command was used in as the welcome channel for SlugBot.

!setchannel welcome reset

This will unset the welcome channel, disabling any SlugBot functionality that uses the welcome channel.

!setprefix <prefix>


Parameter Value Description
<prefix> String The character or string that will be used as SlugBot's command prefix.


!setprefix >

This will set SlugBot’s new command prefix to ‘>’.

!setrole [<role to set> <reset | role name>]

Set roles for SlugBot to use. !setrole with no arguments will show information on which roles have been set.

The mute role will be created and set automatically on the first use of a mute command if a role was not already set beforehand.


Parameter Value Description
<role to set> mute Mute role (auto-generated)
botAdmin Bot admin role
global Role assigned to all members
init Role assigned on member join
weeklytoprank Role given to weekly top ranking member
totaltoprank Role given to top ranking member
fchost Members with this role can host fight clubs on twitch linked to ladders in this server.
streamer Role that adds members to the streamer list
<reset | role name> reset to reset the role for SlugBot
role name An existing role for SlugBot to use


!setrole totalTopRank Top Rank

This will set totalTopRank to use a server role called ‘Top Rank’.

!setrole weeklyTopRank reset

This will unset the weeklyTopRank role, disabling any SlugBot functionality that uses the weeklyTopRank role.

!setwelcomemessage [welcome message] | showProfile [true|false] | reset

Use this command to customise the welcome message sent when a new member joins the server.

Using the command with no arguments will display the current welcome message along with a demo of how it will appear when a member joins.

Documentation on replacer flags can be found here


Parameter Value Description
[welcome message] String welcome message Can include replacer flags (e.g. ${member})


!setwelcomemessage welcome ${member} to the server!

${member} will be replaced with the new member’s display name.

!setwelcomemessage showProfile false

This will disable showing the new member’s profile with the welcome message.

!setwelcomemessage reset

This will reset the welcome message and not send a welcome message when a member joins.

!setexp [member] <exp amount>

Use this command to set a member’s exp to a specified amount.


Parameter Value Description
<member> Username Discord username of the user
discord ID discord ID of the user
Mention member discord member mention
<exp amount> Number Amount to set member's exp to.


!setexp Gutty 10,000

This will set Gutty’s exp to 10,000.

!setlevel [member] <level>

Use this command to set a member’s level to a specified value.


Parameter Value Description
<member> Username Discord username of the user
discord ID discord ID of the user
Mention member discord member mention
<level> Number Level to set member to.


!setlevel sophs 10

This will set sophs’ level to 10.

darksouls module

!addbuild [build name] [soul level] [upgrade level] <link>

Used to add a build to your build list. Stating soul level, upgrade level and build planner link are optional but recommended. If a soulsplanner link is suplied, any missing data will be taken from the build directly - In most cases, a build link is all that is needed.


Parameter Value Description
[build name] Name of build Unique identifier for build.
[soul level] Soul level Soul level of a Dark Souls build.
Blood level Blood level of a Bloodborne build.
[Upgrade level] Upgrade level Weapon upgrade level of build.
<link> DS1 SoulsPlanner link
DS2 SoulsPlanner link
DS3 SoulsPlanner link All optional parameters will be filled in with the data from build planner link.
Bloodborne SoulsPlanner link


!addbuild Vilhelm's Squire SL60 +7 https://soulsplanner.com/darksouls3/1381

This will add a build by the name of ‘Vilhelm’s Squire’ to the build list. If a build by the same name already exists in the list, its information will be updated with the new information stated.

!addbuild https://soulsplanner.com/darksouls3/1139

This will take the name, soul level, and upgrade level directly from the build linked.

!allocatestatsds3 <weapon name> [upgrade level] [base str [dex [int [faith [luck]]]]] <levels to spend>

Use this command to find the optimal stat spread for a given weapon.


Parameter Value Description
[weapon name] Dark Souls 3 weapon name Should include infusion type if desired. Spelling is lenient.
null If no weapon name is given, info on all weapons will be given.
[upgrade level] Weapon upgrade level For special weapons, UPGRADE LEVELS SHOULD BE CONVERTED TO STANDARD UPGRADE LEVEL EQUIVALENTS so weapons can be compared. In the format of '+2'
null If no upgrade level is given, the upgrade level of your set build will be used.
[str [dex [int [faith [luck]]]]] Stat levels List of stat levels given in order and separated by spaces or '/'s
null If no stat level is given, the corresponding stat level of your set build will be used.


!allocatestats gaels greatsword 40

This will disribute 40 levels across damage stats to give the most damage per R1.

!allocatestats claymore +7 16 35 25

This will find the optimal stats for a +7 claymore from a starting point of 16 strength and 35 dex, given 25 levels to distribute.

!build [member] [build number]

Used to view your own build list or the build list of another member.


Parameter Value Description
[member] Discord username of member
Discord ID of member
member mention
[build number] Number Build number shown in member's build list.


!build @Tikaro

This will show Tikaro’s build list.

!build @Tikaro 3

This will display the build info of Tikaro’s build numbered ‘3’.

!damagecalc <AR> <defense value> <absorption value>

Use this command to calculate the damage after defenses and absorption.


Parameter Value Description
<AR> Number AR of the relevant attack.
<defense value> Number defense value of the player receiving the attack.
<absorption value> Number absorption value of the player receiving the attack.


!damagecalc 500 134 31

This will calculate the damage received from a 500 AR weapon through 134 defense and 31% absorption.

!igot [ds1|ds3|er] <souls received>

Use this command to get a readout containing the estimated level of another player killed in DS1, DS3, or ER.


Parameter Value Description
[ds1|ds3] ds1 specify to calculate the soul level of a Dark Souls 1 player.
ds3 specify to calculate the soul level of a Dark Souls 3 player.
er specify to calculate the rune level of an Elden Ring player.
<souls received> Integer number Corresponding to the number of souls you received when killing another player.


!igot 1919

This show the possible soul level of a player depending on their phantom type. igot-screenshot

!namecheck <name>

Use this command to check if a name will be censored by the Dark Souls 3 name filters. Will also show if the name is too long.


Parameter Value Description
<name> String containing a name to check against the Dark Souls 3 name filter


!namecheck Knight Plumfinger

This will test the name “Knight Plumfinger” against the Dark Souls 3 name filter - showing how the censored name will appear in game.

!poise <weapon 1> vs <weapon 2>

Use this command to display various poise breakpoints needed for weapon 1 to poise through the weapon 2. Use the 80 reaction to toggle between 80 and 100 poise health. Use the 2h reaction to toggle between one handed and two handed stance for weapon 2.


Parameter Value Description
<weapon 1> Weapon name The weapon name of a specific weapon with poise attacks.
Weapon class A class of weapon to get general breakpoints for that class.
<weapon 2> Weapon name The weapon name of a specific weapon. The poise damage of this weapon's attacks will be used to find the breakpoints.
Weapon class A class of weapon. The poise damage of this weapon's attacks will be used to find the breakpoints.


!poise greatsword vs halberd

This will display various poise breakpoints required for a greatsword class weapon to poise through halberd attacks.

!range host|invader [soul level] [weapon upgrade level]

Use this command to find the upper and lower soul level limits for players invading you or hosts you invade.


Parameter Value Description
host|invader host specify that the command is being used to find the level ranges from the perspective of the host.
invader specify that the command is being used to find the level ranges from the perspective of invaders/summons.
[soul level] Number Soul level to calculate summon/invasion range for.
[weapon upgrade level] Number optional parameter for weapon upgrade level to calculate summon/invasion range for.


!range invader 90

This will show the soul level ranges for multiplayer interaction for soul level 90 invaders.

!removebuild <build id>

Used to remove a build from a your build list.


Parameter Value Description
<build id> build name
build ID Number of a build in the build list


!removebuild Vilhelm's Squire

This will remove the build ‘Vilhelm’s Squire’ from the build list. Build name is case insensitive.

!setbuild <build name|build number>

Use this command to set your current build from your list of added builds.


Parameter Value Description
<build name|build number> build name Approximate name of an added build
build number Number of build in your build list


!setbuild Knight Laran

This will set your current build to Knight Laran as long as its in your build list.

!weaponds3 [weapon name [vs ...]] [upgrade level] [str [dex [int [faith [luck]]]]]

Use this command to calculate the AR of any DS3 weapon, along with the expected damage on R1s/L1s, backstabs and ripostes.

listing up to four weapons separated by vs will allow you to compare them. Note that the upgrade and stats need to be specified only once, and at the end.

In the case of an incomplete input, like !weapon caestus, the missing upgrade and stat data will be collected from the build you currently have set through the !setbuild command.

Typing out the command without a [weapon name] argument will make SlugBot calculate the ten best weapons based on expected R1 damage for the upgrade level and stats provided. The printout for this kind of input will include reactions to toggle between various weapon classes. SlugBot will also note if any of the weapons are usable only when 2-handed.


Parameter Value Description
[weapon name] Dark Souls 3 weapon name Should include infusion type if desired. Spelling is lenient.
null If no weapon name is given, info on all weapons will be given.
[upgrade level] Weapon upgrade level For special weapons, UPGRADE LEVELS SHOULD BE CONVERTED TO STANDARD UPGRADE LEVEL EQUIVALENTS so weapons can be compared. In the format of '+2'
null If no upgrade level is given, the upgrade level of your set build will be used.
[str [dex [int [faith [luck]]]]] Stat levels List of stat levels given in order and separated by spaces or '/'s
null If no stat level is given, the corresponding stat level of your set build will be used.


!weaponds3 sharp claymore +7 16 35 10 10 10

The 1-hand/2-hand and weapon self-buff states can be toggled via appropriate reactions. The normal upgrade path input is used for special weapons; !weapon black knight sword +10 20 18 10 10 10 will print out the data for a black knight sword at an upgrade level of +5.

!weaponds3 fire dagger vs chaos dagger +3 10 10 10 10 10

This will compare the fire dagger and chaos dagger weapons at the given stats. Use the number reactions to view each of the given weapons.

!whowas <character name>

Use this command to find the owner of a character you met in-game, along with more info on their build.

Numbered reactions 1-5 will be displayed, allowing you to select a build to preview from the list of builds with similar names to the one specified.

SlugBot will attempt to find five builds in its database with the most similar names.


Parameter Value Description
<character name> String Approximate name of a character


!whowas Amil of the Deep

This will show 5 builds from SlugBots build database that most closely match the name Amil of the Deep.

economy module

!activate <process ID>

Activate a disabled process.


Parameter Value Description
<process ID> String Unique ID of process


!Activate AL3X1

This will activate the process with ID AL3X1 if it was suspended.

!bet (create) | (close <bet>) | (open <bet>) | (resolve <bet> <outcome>)

Start a wager on predefined outcomes and allow other members to place bets


Parameter Value Description
[option] bet option Selected bet option
<bet> bet identifier Identifier of bet to complete


!bet create

This will open a modal where the bet parameters can be input.

!bid <process ID> <bid amount>

Use this command to make a bid on a process in the auction.


Parameter Value Description
<process ID> String Process ID of auctioned process
<bid amount> Number Amount to bid for process on sale


!bid N4RC1 1,000,000

This will make a bid of 1,000,000sc on the process N4RC1.

!k <bet amount>

Play blackjack.


!bypass <member>

Start the BYPASS process on another member.


Parameter Value Description
<member> Username Discord username of the user to be bypassed
discord ID discord ID of the user to be bypassed
discord member mention Mention member to be bypassed


!bypass Alex_

This will begin the BYPASS process on user Alex_.

!clean [process ID [process ID ...]]

Use to remove your own processes or attempt to remove processes planted by others. Listing multiple IDs separated by a space will attempt to remove all specified processes as long as they are owned by the command user.


Parameter Value Description
[process ID] Process ID Optionally specify a process ID. If no ID is specified, the last selected process in the Detected Processes tab will be used.


!clean B4RR7 R4YAN

This will attempt to clean the processes with IDs B4RR7 and R4YAN.

!compromise (<member> <stat>) | <bet>

Start the BYPASS process on another member.


Parameter Value Description
<member> Username Discord username of the user to be bypassed
discord ID discord ID of the user to be bypassed
discord member mention Mention member to be bypassed
<stat> Stat Stat to compromise.


!compromise Sandy firewall

This will attempt to compromise Sandy’s Firewall stat provided the user succeeds the compromise hack.

!crack <target>

Start the CRACK process on another member.


Parameter Value Description
<target> Username Discord username of the target user
discord ID discord ID of the target user
discord member mention Mention of target user
BYPASS ID ID of a BYPASS process on the target


!crack Alex_

This will begin the CRACK process on user Alex_.


Used to collect your daily bucket of slugs.



This will transfer your daily bucket of slugs if you have yet to claim it for this day.

!downgrade <process type>

Downgrade a process type to decrease it’s efficacy but reducing the number of slots required to install.


Parameter Value Description
<process type> String Name of process


!downgrade BYPASS

This will downgrade BYPASS processes.

!giveslugs <member> <amount>

Transfer slugs from your balance to another user.


Parameter Value Description
<member> Username Discord username of the user to be bypassed
discord ID discord ID of the user to be bypassed
discord member mention Mention member to be bypassed
<amount> Number Amount of slugs to give


!giveslugs tikaro 10,000

This will transfer 10,000 slugs to user Tikaro.

!wer <bet amount>

Play Higher Lower.


!hijack [process ID]

Use this command to attempt to hijack another user’s process. Success chance is based on the number of properties of the target process you have identified.


Parameter Value Description
[process ID] process ID Optionally specify a process ID. If no ID is specified, the last selected process in the Detected Processes tab will be used.


/hijack SH4ND

This will attempt to hijack the process with ID ‘SH4ND’

!install <process type> [count]

Install a process type to increase the total number of that process you can use.


Parameter Value Description
<process type> String Name of process
[count] Number Number of processes to install


!install BYPASS

This will install a BYPASS process as long as there are enough free slots available.

!install HIJACKER 2

This will install two HIJACKER processes as long as there are enough free slots available.

!invest [terminate [channel]] | [invest amount]

Use this command to invest SC in text channels. Channel investments let you invest SC in a channel to get return payments for messages sent in that channel for 7 days. The return rates are calculated from the last 7 days activity - meaning that if a channel is more active in the following 7 days, you will see bigger returns.


Parameter Value Description
[channel] Channel mention A discord channel mention
null leaving blank will invest in the channel the command was used in
terminate terminate Specify that you are terminating an existing investment
[invest amount] Number Amount of SC to invest
null Leave blank to just view return rates and investment info of the channel


!invest #general 100,000

This will attempt to invest 100,000sc in the #general text channel. A confirmation reaction must be pressed before the investment is finalised. The investment can be cancelled by clicking the cancel reaction.

!invest terminate #general

This will terminate an existing investment in the #general text channel. A confirmation reaction must be pressed before the investment is terminated. The termination can be cancelled with the cancel reaction.

!knuckleslug <bet amount>

Play knuckleslug.


Parameter Value Description
<bet amount> Number Amount to bet on knuckleslug.


!knuckleslug 10,000

This will put a 10,000sc bet on knuckleslug.

!levelup <stat>

Use this command to level up a stat.


Parameter Value Description
<stat> firewall Level up the firewall stat
bypasser Level up the bypasser stat
encryption Level up the encryption stat
cracker Level up the cracker stat
scanner Level up the scanner stat
wire Level up the wire stat
interceptor Level up the interceptor stat
injector Level up the injector stat


!levelup firewall

This will start a levelup Firewall process.


Locks down your account for a limited time.


View account logs of your account or an account of a user you have a TRACKER on.

!plant <process type> <target> [modifier]

Attempt to plant a process on another user. The modifier is often the potency of the process you are planting.


Parameter Value Description
<process type> skimmer Specifies planting SKIMMER process
leech Specifies planting LEECH process
cloner Specifies planting CLONER process
honeypot Specifies planting HONEYPOT process
redirect Specifies planting REDIRECT process
tracker Specifies planting TRACKER process
corruptor Specifies planting CORRUPTOR process
<target> Username Discord username of the target user
discord ID discord ID of the target user
discord member mention Mention of target user
BYPASS ID ID of a BYPASS process on the target


!plant skimmer alex_

This will plant a SKIMMER process on Alex_.

!plant leech tikaro

This will plant a LEECH process on tikaro.

!plant redirect narcolept to errel

This will plant a REDIRECT process on Narcolept that will redirect an incoming process to Errel.

!respec [firewall [bypasser [encryption [cracker [scanner [leech [interceptor [injector]]]]]]]]

Re-allocate stat levels.


Parameter Value Description
[stat] Integer The new stat level wanted for the stat.



This will set all stats to 1 and allow instant levelups until all remaining stat levels are spend.

!roll <dice count>D<dice type>[+|- <dice count>D<dice type> [...]] [+|- modifier]

Use this command to get SlugBot to roll dice.


Parameter Value Description
<dice count> Integer number Corresponding to the number of dice to roll
<dice type> Integer number Corresponding to the type of dice to roll
[+|- modifier] Integer number Corresponding to a value to add or subtract from the total roll


!roll 4d6 - 2

This will roll four D6s, subtract 2, then display the outcome.

!roll 4d8 + 2d6 + 5

This will roll four D8s, add two D6s, add 5, then display the outcome.

!roll 1000

This will bet 1000sc on a dice roll against SlugBot.

!rootkit <target> <cmd> <args>

Run processes through another user’s account.


Parameter Value Description
<target> Username Discord username of the user to be bypassed.
Discord ID discord ID of the user to be bypassed.
Discord member mention Mention member to be bypassed.
BYPASS ID BYPASS process ID of BYPASS on target.
ROOTKIT ID ROOTKIT process ID of ROOTKIT on target.
<cmd> Process command Command to be run as if ROOTKIT'ed user
<args> Arguments Arguments for command


!rootkit Alex_ !bypass Gabri

This will initiate a BYPASS process from Alex_ on Gabri.

!scan [attacker] [malwareType [malwareType...]] [defender]

Scan for processes.


Parameter Value Description
[attacker] User


!scan barry

If barry was the one using this command, it would initiate a self-scan

!scan narcolept bypass shandra

This will scan for all bypass processes planted by narcolept on shandra

!scan narcolept skimmer

This will scan for all skimmers owned by narcolept

!scan skimmer narcolept

This will scan for all skimmers planted on narcolept.

!scan id J4ES7

This will scan for a process with an ID of J4ES7.


!sell <process ID> [starting price]

Uses this command to begin an auction on the specified process.


Parameter Value Description
<process ID> String Process ID of auctioned process
[starting price] Number Optional starting price of listed process. Defaults to 10,000sc


!sell T1K4R 150,000

This will add process T1K4R to the auction at a starting price of 150,000sc where it can be bid on by other users.


Use this command to view the weekly public process shop.



Displays the global process auction where users can buy and sell processes.

!slots <bet amount>

Play slots.


Parameter Value Description
<bet amount> Number Amount to bet on slots.


!slots 10,000

This will put a 10,000sc bet on the slots.

!slugs [member]

Use this command to open your SlugCoin account menu. Use the reactions to change menu tabs, cycle process pages, and select specific processes.

Optionally specify a member you have bypassed to view their account instead.


Parameter Value Description
[member] Username Discord username of the member who's account you wish to spoof.
discord ID discord ID of the member who's account you wish to spoof.
Mention member discord member mention of member who's account you wish to spoof.



This will open your account menu.

!slugs ausi

This will open ausi’s account menu only if you have bypassed their firewall.

!takeslugs <target>

Steals an amount of SC from the target. The target’s encryption must be CRACKed to be able to steal. The command must be used in a channel the target has access to.


Parameter Value Description
<target> Username Discord username of the target user
discord ID discord ID of the target user
discord member mention Mention of target user
BYPASS ID ID of a BYPASS process on the target

!stocks list | (<buy|sell> <stock ID> <amount>)

Buy or sell stocks


Parameter Value Description
<list|buy|sell> buy Buy stocks
sell Sell stocks
list Display data on all available stocks.
<stock ID> Ticker Stock name
<amount> Number Amount of stocks to buy in SC

!suspend <process ID>

Suspend an active process.


Parameter Value Description
<process ID> String Unique ID of process


!suspend AL3X1

This will suspend the process with ID AL3X1 if it was active.


Use this command to start the economy game tutorial.

!uninstall <process type> [count]

Uninstall a process type to derease the total number of that process you can use and free up process slots for other processes.


Parameter Value Description
<process type> String Name of process to uninstall
[count] Number Number of processes to uninstall


!uninstall BYPASS

This will uninstall a BYPASS process as long as doing so can still support the total number of active BYPASS processes.

!uninstall HIJACKER 2

This will uninstall two HIJACKER processes as long as doing so can still support the total number of active HIJACKER processes.

!upgrade <process type>

Upgrade a process type to increase it’s efficacy. Upgrading a process type also increases the number of slots required to install.


Parameter Value Description
<process type> String Name of process


!upgrade BYPASS

This will upgrade BYPASS processes.

!vault [amount]

Used to move Slugs from your current account into your vault.


Parameter Value Description
[amount] SlugCoin amount Optional amount of SC to vault.



This will put as much as possible in the vault.

eldenring module

!allocatestatser <weapon name> [upgrade level] [base str [dex [int [faith [arc]]]]] <levels to spend>

Use this command to find the optimal stat spread for a given weapon.


Parameter Value Description
[weapon name] Elden Ring 3 weapon name Should include infusion type if desired. Spelling is lenient.
null If no weapon name is given, info on all weapons will be given.
[upgrade level] Weapon upgrade level For special weapons, UPGRADE LEVELS SHOULD BE CONVERTED TO STANDARD UPGRADE LEVEL EQUIVALENTS so weapons can be compared. In the format of '+2'
null If no upgrade level is given, the upgrade level of your set build will be used.
[str [dex [int [faith [arc]]]]] Stat levels List of stat levels given in order and separated by spaces or '/'s
null If no stat level is given, the corresponding stat level of your set build will be used.


/allocatestatser gaels greatsword 40

This will disribute 40 levels across damage stats to give the most damage per R1.

/allocatestatser claymore +7 16 35 25

This will find the optimal stats for a +7 claymore from a starting point of 16 strength and 35 dex, given 25 levels to distribute.


Use this command to view the iframe data of all actions that have invulnerability in Elden Ring


/iframes er

This will display iframe data for Elden Ring.


Use this command to view the parry frames of all parry types in Elden Ring or Dark Souls 3.



This will display parry frame data for Elden Ring and Dark Souls 3.

!weaponer [weapon name [vs ...]] [upgrade level] [str [dex [int [faith [luck]]]]]

Use this command to calculate the AR of any DS3 weapon, along with the expected damage on R1s/L1s, backstabs and ripostes.

listing up to four weapons separated by vs will allow you to compare them. Note that the upgrade and stats need to be specified only once, and at the end.

In the case of an incomplete input, like !weapon caestus, the missing upgrade and stat data will be collected from the build you currently have set through the !setbuild command.

Typing out the command without a [weapon name] argument will make SlugBot calculate the ten best weapons based on expected R1 damage for the upgrade level and stats provided. The printout for this kind of input will include reactions to toggle between various weapon classes. SlugBot will also note if any of the weapons are usable only when 2-handed.


Parameter Value Description
[weapon name] Elden Ring weapon name Should include infusion type if desired. Spelling is lenient.
null If no weapon name is given, info on all weapons will be given.
[upgrade level] Weapon upgrade level For special weapons, UPGRADE LEVELS SHOULD BE CONVERTED TO STANDARD UPGRADE LEVEL EQUIVALENTS so weapons can be compared. In the format of '+2'
null If no upgrade level is given, the upgrade level of your set build will be used.
[str [dex [int [faith [luck]]]]] Stat levels List of stat levels given in order and separated by spaces or '/'s
null If no stat level is given, the corresponding stat level of your set build will be used.


!weaponer sharp claymore +7 16 35 10 10 10

The 1-hand/2-hand and weapon self-buff states can be toggled via appropriate reactions. The normal upgrade path input is used for special weapons; !weapon black knight sword +10 20 18 10 10 10 will print out the data for a black knight sword at an upgrade level of +5.

!weaponer fire dagger vs chaos dagger +3 10 10 10 10 10

This will compare the fire dagger and chaos dagger weapons at the given stats. Use the number reactions to view each of the given weapons.

ladder module

!challenge [member] | cancel

Use this command to challenge another member to a ranked fight or put out an open invitation to be challenged



This will put out an open invitation

!challenge dashima

This will challenge Dashima to a ranked fight

!challenge cancel

This will cancel your last challenge provided it was not already accepted by an opponent

!elo [member] [ladder name]

Use this command to view your ladder stats or the stats of another member.



This will display your own ladder stats.

!elo Aether

This will display Aether’s ladder stats.

!ilost <your score> <their score>

Use this command to declare the outcome of a challenge.


!ilost 3 5

This will record that you claimed you lost 5 3 in your active challenge.

!iwon <your score> <their score>

Use this command to declare the outcome of a challenge.


!iwon 5 3

This will record that you claimed you won 5 3 in your active challenge.


Use this command to modify various ladder settings.


Parameter Value Description
<ladder> String Name of a specific ladder in the server.

!team (create [member [member [...]]]) | update | disband

Use this command to create and manage a team for a PvP leaderboard


Automatically invite members from a leaderboard to create a tourney roster



memberevent module

!memberevent <member event info>




moderation module

!ban <member> [reason: <reason>]

Use this command to ban a member.


Parameter Value Description
<member> Username Discord username of the user to be banned
discord ID discord ID of the user to be banned
discord member mention Mention member to be banned
<reason> String Optional reason for the ban


!ban Alex_ reason: For reasons and stuff

This will ban Alex_ from the server - Sending the reason “For reasons and stuff” to them.

!ban Amir 7 days reason: Uncouth tone.

This will ban Amir for 7 days with the given reason sent to them. They will automatically be unbanned after 7 days.

!deletemessages <member> <number of messages>

Use this command to delete messages sent by a specific member. Will not delete messages older than 2 weeks.


Parameter Value Description
<member> Username Discord username of the user
discord ID discord ID of the user
discord member mention Mention member
<number of messages> Number Number of messages to be deleted


!deletemessages alex_ 10

This will delete the last 50 messages sent by Alex_.

!filter <add|remove|list> <filter string>

Use this command to add or remove word filters in the current server. The filter string can either be a normal string or RegEx.

When a member sends a message in the server containing the filter string, their message will be deleted, score will be deducted and there will be a random chance they will be muted. the mute chance increases each time the same member triggers the filter.

If a normal string is given, common letter substitutions will be taken into account.

if RegEx is given, the matched message will be deleted but the member will not have score deducted or have a chance to be muted.


Parameter Value Description
<add|remove|list> add specify to add new filter
remove specify to remove existing filter
list specify to list all filters
<filter string> String normal string containing word(s) to be filtered
RegEx Regular expression to have messages deleted when matched


!filter add snail

This will make SlugBot delete any messages containing the word ‘snail’, deduct score from the offending member and have a chance to mute them.

!filter add /\d/

This will make SlugBot delete any messages containing any digit. (check regex101 for RegEx syntax and RegEx testing)

!kick <member> [reason: <reason>]

Use this command to kick a member.


Parameter Value Description
<member> Username Discord username of the user to be kicked
discord ID discord ID of the user to be kicked
discord member mention Mention member to be kicked
<reason> String Optional reason for the ban

!mute <member> [duration] [reason: <reason>]

This command is used to mute members. Giving a duration and reason are optional. Not giving a duration will mute the user until they are manually unmuted. The member can be specified by ping, user ID or name.


Parameter Value Description
<member> Username Discord username of the user to be muted
discord ID discord ID of the user to be muted
discord member mention Mention member to be muted
[duration] String amount of time the member should be muted for
<reason> String reason for why the member was muted. Will be DMed to the member


!mute 2340287340287 1 hour 30 mins reason: For reasons and stuff.

This will mute the member with ID 2340287340287 for 10 minutes and DM them the reason ‘For reasons and stuff’.


With no arguments given, a list showing all muted members and their remaining mute times will be shown.

!persistentrole (add <role>) | (remove <role>) | list

Used to add/remove persistent roles. A persistent role is one that will be reapplied to a member when they join if they left the server with the role.


Parameter Value Description
add | remove add Add a persistent role
remove Remove a persistent role
<role> Role Discord server role
list list list all persistent roles


/persistentrole add @leaderboard Blacklist

This will make the ‘@leaderboard Blacklist’ role persistent

!unban <member>

Use this command to unban a member.


Parameter Value Description
<member> Username Discord username of the user to be unbanned
discord ID discord ID of the user to be unbanned
discord member mention Mention member to be unbanned

!unmute <member>

Use this command to unmute a muted member.


Parameter Value Description
<member> Username Discord username of the user to be muted
discord ID discord ID of the user to be muted
discord member mention Mention member to be muted


!unmute Alex_

This will unmute member ‘Alex_’ if they are muted.

! ( add <member> <note>) | (remove <member> <note>)

Use this command to record a note for a member or remove past notes.


Parameter Value Description
<member> Username Discord username of the user to be muted
discord ID discord ID of the user to be muted
discord member mention Mention member to be muted
<note> String Note on the member.
remove remove Flag to specify removing a note from a member.


!note add member:Halvard note:Seems pretty sus.

This will record a persistant note on Halvard - visable to other moderators.

!note remove member:Halvard note:Seems pretty sus

This will remove the note you made on Halvard.

!warn <member> <reason>|(remove [index])

Use this command to record a warning for a member or remove past warnings.


Parameter Value Description
<member> Username Discord username of the user to be muted
discord ID discord ID of the user to be muted
discord member mention Mention member to be muted
<reason> String The reason the member was warned.
remove remove Flag to specify removing a warning from a member.
[index] Number Optional index of a warning. Leaving empty will remove the last warning


!warn Alex_ watch yo profamity!

This will record a warning for Alex_ that can be reviewed with !warnlog Alex_.

!warn alex_ remove

This will remove the last warning given to Alex_

nicknames module

!exclusivechar add|remove <char> [member [member [...]]]

Use this command to reserve a given character or string for specific member’s display names.


Parameter Value Description
add|remove add Used to specify adding an exclusive character or giving the character to specified members.
remove Used to specify removing an exclusive character or to stop giving the character to specified members.
<char> Character A character to make exclusive to given members.
[member] Username Discord username of the user
discord ID discord ID of the user
discord member mention Mention member


!exclusivechar add 🐌 gabri specter

This will add 🐌 to members Gabri and Specter, and remove 🐌 from all other member’s display names.

!exclusivechar remove 🐌 specter

This will stop adding 🐌 to Specter’s name and prevent them from adding it to their own name.

quotes module

!quote [list]

Use this command to pull a random quote from the streamer’s list of quotes. add quotes to the list using !addquote.

Including the ‘list’ parameter will display all quotes with their corresponding quote number. This can only be done by moderators.


Parameter Value Description
[list] list Optional parameter used by moderators to display a list of all quotes with their quote numbers.

raffle module

!raffle (start <duration> [raffle message]) | (edit <raffle msg ID> [duration] [raffle message]) | (end <raffle msg ID>) | (draw <raffle msg ID>)

Use this command to create a raffle - allowing users to enter by adding a react to the raffle message.


Parameter Value Description
start | edit | end | draw start Create a new raffle.
edit Edit existing raffle with new duration and/or raffle message.
end End existing raffle WITHOUT drawing winner.
draw End existing raffle and draw winner. Draw new winner if raffle has already been ended.
<duration> Number Number of days the raffle should last.
[raffle message] String Raffle description to be displayed in the raffle embed.
<raffle msg ID> Message ID Discord message ID of raffle embed.


!raffle start 14 This server is hosting a raffle that will end in 14 days.

This will create a raffle notifiction with the raffle message and a countdown for 14 days. Members can click the reaction to take part.

!raffle draw

This will end the raffle and edit the raffle notification announcing the randomly selected winner. Use the command again to draw a new winner.

!raffle end

This will end the raffle, delete the raffle notification and will not select a winner

reminders module

!remindme to <reminder message> in <time until reminder>

Get SlugBot to remind you with a message after a given amount of time.


Parameter Value Description
<reminder message> String Reminder message SlugBot will send.
<time until reminder> Time string a list of time values


!remindme to do the dishes in 1 hour and 20 mins

This will DM you with the reminder ‘do the dishes’ in 1 hour and 20 minutes.

!remindme in 5 days and 6 hours to check the mail.

This will DM you with the reminder ‘check the mail.’ in 5 days and 6 hours.

slugboard module

!slugboard <threshold <number of reactions> | flag <emoji> | indicator <emoji> | color <hex color>>

Use this command to customise the functionality of Slugboard.


Parameter Value Description
<number of reactions> Number A number specifying the minimum needed reactions to slugboard the message.
<emoji> Default or custom emoji An emoji that SlugBot will use as a slugboard flag or indicator.
<hex color> String Hex code for a color.


!slugboard threshold 4

This will set the threshold for the number of reactions needed to add a message to the Slug-Board to 4.

!slugboard flag 🌱

This will set the emoji users must react with to get a message on the Slug-Board to 🌱.

!slugboard indicator 👺

This will set the emoji SlugBot reacts with when a message is added to the Slug-Board to 👺

!slugboard color #000000

This will set the slugboard message embed color to black.

slugtactics module


Start, join, play, or view a SlugTactics game

ticket module


Use this command to create a ticketer - allowing users to submit tickets.


Parameter Value Description
[create|add|remove|desc|color] create Create a new Ticketer message.
desc Update the Ticketer description.
color Update the embed color of the Ticketer message.
require Specify a required role needed to submit a ticket.
<msg ID> Number The message ID of an existing Ticketer message.
<role> String The name of a role.
<description> String A description to display in the RoleReact message.

streams module

!streamer <add|remove> <streamer_name>

Use this command to add a streamer to the streams notification list or remove a streamer from the list. A notification message will be sent to the ‘#streams’ channel (if set) when a streamer in the list goes live on twitch.tv. The notification gets deleted when the streamer goes offline again.


Parameter Value Description
<add | remove | list> add specify to add streamer to list. BOT_ADMIN only.
remove specify to remove streamer to list. BOT_ADMIN only.
list specify to list all streamers.
<streamer name> username twitch.tv username. case insensitive


!streamer add Florador

This will add twitch streamer ‘Florador’ to the streams notification list.

!streamer remove Florador

This will remove twitch streamer ‘Florador’ from the notification list.

!streamer list

This will list all streamers currently set to display when they go live.

voicechannels module

!vc (create) | (name <VC name>) | (set_limit <limit>) | (whitelist <member>|<role>) | (blacklist <member>|<role>)

Use this command to customise a temporary VC.


Parameter Value Description
<VC name> String VC name.
<limit> Number Member limit of VC.