August 2024

New Additions

  • Added hello_kitty_pink profile element to shop stock.
  • Added border_wisp profile border to shop stock.


  • Updated Poise damage motion values to Elden Ring 1.13.
  • Added downward point scaling customisation to PvP Leaderboards.
  • challenge now detects more region role names.
  • Changed hijack process duration calculation.
  • memberevents now work with Elden Ring event types and locations.
  • Memberevents will now link to a VC channel if the host is in VC.
  • slugboard auto-complete selection now has a number prefix for search purposes.
  • Updated raffle to slash command.
  • Added number_of_winners option to raffle
  • Added requiredRole option to raffle so only members with the given role may enter.
  • raffles will now end exactly on time instead of up to 5 minutes late.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug causing tourney command to timeout too quickly.
  • Fixed bug causing memberevents to fail when cross-region was set to TRUE
  • Fixed bug causing raffles to fail to start if a required role was not given.

July 2024

New Additions

  • Added jointwitch command allowing streamers to force slugbot back into their twitch chat.


  • Reminders will now only ignore SlugBot messages if they are also reminders.
  • Hosts of temporary vcs can no-longer blacklist or whitelist members who have roles with inherited permissions.
  • Temporary vcs now have spam protection to stop channel create/delete rate-limits from being hit.
  • ticketers with whitelist/blacklist roles will now give feedback to the user if they do not meet the requirements to use the ticketer.
  • Updated weaponer and allocatestatser to Elden Ring 1.12.3
  • Added poise damage display to weaponer.
  • Added searchable strings to most event logs.
  • parryframes command updated to Elden Ring 1.12.3 data.
  • ticketers can now be attached to reminders.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug causing user inputs through ticketers to break embedded content that contains ${ARG: }s.
  • Fixed bug causing [[weaponer#/weaponer bestinclass [upgrade] [stats] [calc_against]|weaponer bestinclass]] to fail to respond.
  • Fixed bug causing names to fail to respond.
  • Fixed bug making it impossible to set a ticketer button colour to grey.
  • Fixed bug causing temprole list to fail to respond.
  • Fixed bug causing forced leaderboard matches to not display the challenge message.

June 2024

New Additions

  • Added pointLossCap point setting to ladder point_settings.
  • ARG now work in ticketer content_message and init_messagestrings. They will embed the corresponding ticketer question response.
  • Giving a valid JSON object for a discord embed for ticketer content_message or init_message will now convert them to embeds automatically.
  • Giving a valid JSON object for a discord embed for command add command response will now convert the response to an embed automatically.


  • Updated profile to slash command.
  • Added event log for say command so moderators can see who used SlugBot to send a message.
  • ladder module renamed to Pvplb.
  • You can now build embeds for both init_message and content_message of ticketers.
  • You can now hide the default ticket response embed by setting hideReponseEmbed to true in ticketer update.
  • You can now customise ticketer thread titles.

Bug Fixes

  • Swiss tourney round count is locked in on start. Players dropping can no-longer reduce the number of rounds.
  • Fixed bug causing embedded reminders to break.
  • Fixed bug causing Slugboard colour to be ignored.
  • Fixed bug causing ticketers that do not spawn a thread to fail.
  • Fixed bug causing Slugboard autocomplete to fail when more than 25 Slugboards exist.
  • Profile backgrounds will now never expire as they are uploaded directly to SlugBot and don’t need to be externally hosted.
  • Fixed bug where the displayed ticketer ID did not show the same one you selected when using ticketer remove.
  • Fixed bug with ticketer selection autocomplete caching making ticketer searching inconsistent.

May 2024

New Additions

  • Added private thread option to ticketer.


  • Can now set if temporary vc channels create a text channel or use the built-in VC text channel on creation.
  • Temporary vcs now move the user to a new channel instead of repurposing the JOIN to CREATE VC channel.
  • Say command max character limit will now update dynamically depending on if the message is embedded or not.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug causing vc tutorial message to be sent to the wrong channel.
  • Fixed bug with swiss tourney match timeout not accounting for pre-round delay.
  • Fixed bug causing Pvplb team matches to ping unnecessarily.
  • Fixed bug causing swiss tourneys to fail to abort.
  • Fixed bug causing say to double send.

April 2024


  • Added Prestige profile border.
  • Inbound transfers are now logged for the recipient as well as the sender.
  • slugboard’ed messages that contain an embed will now display the embed contents.
  • slugboards that share the same channel will merge if the same message is flagged for multiple slugboards.
  • Increased investment cap.
  • Tourney channels created by tourney now inherit the category permissions.
  • Optimised challenge creating and joining.
  • Improved [[tourney#/tourney revoke <name> <member> [reason]|tourney revoke]] autocomplete options.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug with [[ladder#/ladder info <ladder> [start_time] [end_time] [ignore_resets]|ladder info]] time range not accounting for the correct reset time.
  • Fixed bug allowing players to infinitely double down in blackjack.
  • Fixed bug causing gambling cap to be applied to PvP rolls.
  • Fixed incorrect lance values for weaponer and allocatestatser.
  • Fixed bug making scheduled message edits through say impossible.
  • Fixed bug that stopped direct challenges from pinging the opponent.

March 2024

New Additions

  • Added ladder info command to show leaderboard statistics.
  • Added Swiss Tourney system to PvP leaderboards.


  • You can now move rolereacts with rolereact move
  • You can now move ticketers with ticketer move
  • ladder player_override force now creates a thread on the created challenge.
  • ladder info will account for reset times by default, and ignore matches before resets if the time range includes a reset.
  • PvP leaderboard matches can now handle draws.
  • Banning using Discord’s native ban option will now create a SlugBot mod log.
  • A fraction of bets on PvP leaderboard matches are now given to the players of the match.
  • slugboard create now takes an initial emoji flag parameter.
  • ladder info now displays number of unique players in the given period.
  • ladder info now displays top three greatest Elo improvements.

Bug Fixes

February 2024

New Additions

  • You can now optionally schedule when say will send the given message using the schedule_send_time field.
  • Added CALLONLY flag replacer. Any command with this flag in its response can only be used through CALL.


  • Bans and timeouts handled directly through Discord will now be logged in /userinfo.
  • /userinfo user_id field will now also do a similar name check if a name was given instead of a user ID.
  • Various ladder feedback messages will now link back to the leaderboard message.
  • You can now supply an ER build planner link to /weaponer and /allocatestatser to use as a recipient for damage calculations.
  • Added link back to message for messageReactionAdd and messageReactionRemove event logs.
  • Removed SlugTactics mini-game.

Bug Fixes

  • Custom RegEx commands are no-longer forced lower case, breaking some RegEx tokens.
  • Fixed invest logic counting number of active members incorrectly.
  • Fixed /range er failing to respond if weapon upgrade level was set to +11
  • Fixed /say command erroring when giving embed JSON that contained colour hex code.
  • Fixed /say command not allowing editing of existing SlugBot messages.
  • Fixed /weaponer bestinclass only showing the dagger weapon class.
  • Fixed /team command not allowing team leader to update team.
  • Fixed STEAL process messages not updating.
  • Fixed /tourney command confirm button not responding.
  • Fixed /poll create sending twice after cancelling once.
  • Fixed /command add not responding if the response is longer than 1024 characters.
  • Fixed /blackjack card displays on mobile discord.
  • Fixed /knuckleslug not pinging opponent when playing against another member.

January 2024

New Additions


  • Added Remove Reminder button to reminder list.
  • Added always_send option to reminder add, allowing reminders to be force-sent even if the previous reminder was within the last few messages in that channel.
  • Allowed !maths to be used in DMs.
  • Completely rewrote economy investments backend. /invest should respond much quicker now.
  • Added past usernames list to member join logs for returning members.
  • /warn list has been removed and its information can now be viewed in /userinfo.
  • Removed /getrawmessage command as discord now allows you to copy raw message text.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed formatting bug in STEAL warning DM.
  • Fixed incorrect scan prompt in STEAL warning DM.
  • Fixed vulnerability with imported math.js module used in flag replacers.
  • Profiles now show display name instead of username.
  • Fixed elo command not display past matches for teams.
  • Fixed Slugboard not responding to flags due to Discord changing how custom emojis are embedded.
  • Fixed incorrect motion values for the Wakizashi and Lance.
  • Fixed interactions from old tourneys still being processed.
  • Fixed /ban command failing to respond if no reason is given.
  • Fixed ticketers not sending ticket if feedback contains an invalid URL.

December 2023

New Additions

  • Added border_loran to shop stock.
  • Added [[ladder#/ladder player_override force <ladder> <player_or_team1> <player_or_team2> [rounds_won] [rounds_lost]|ladder player_override force]] for admins to force a match between players.
  • You can now customise the text at the top of Leaderboards.


  • Updated Tutorial strings to be more up-to-date.
  • Server word filters are now cached to reduced DB queries.
  • Fixed typo in filter description.
  • updated scan to slash command.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed tutorial not responding.
  • Fixed incorrect plant count of process types in config menu.
  • Fixed incorrect log being shown when process planted on self.
  • Fixed bug when a command was added but aborted.

October 2023

New Additions

  • Added functionality for profile element mods.
  • Added loads of profile stickers.
    • Several Elden Ring weapon icons
    • All Elden Ring talisman icons
    • Several blob emoji
    • Several suggested emoji
  • New PROFILE_MOD border_pthumeru added.


  • Profile elements are now randomly generated and added to the shop.
  • Notifications sent to Auction house channel when a process is put on sale.

Bug Fixes

  • Removed obsolete tourney invite timeout string from invite embeds.
  • Fixed profile being displayed on all process bids.
  • Fixed final sale not being sent to auction channel.
  • Fixed inconsistency in bidder name obfuscation.
  • Disabled bidders being able to bid on a process they already have the highest bid on.
  • Fixed display error in Elden Ring build embeds where Endurance was shown as Vitality.
  • Fixed display error in Elden Ring build embeds where Mind was shown below Endurance.

28th September 2023

New Additions

  • Auction house channel where bid notifications are listed.
  • Bid button to last bid notifications to allow quick out-bids.


  • Unmute logs now display info on the mute being unmuted.
  • Unmute logs now display who unmuted the user if it was a manual unmute.
  • /unmute command can now be given a reason that will be logged.
  • Added invite used to SUSPICIOUS JOIN event log if possible
  • Both and build links will now be embedded if possible.
  • Updated /welcomemessage to slash command.
  • Tourney invites will now not timeout, and instead just send a new invite.
  • Added event log for ticket submissions.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed ticket ID index labels being displayed incorrectly.
  • Fixed tourney invites not being sent.
  • Fixed tourney invites being sent too frequently.

14th September 2023


  • Brought back !rep
  • Brought back !slime
  • Added point leaderboards to /leaderboard command.
    • /leaderboard pvp for points leaderboard.
    • /leaderboard pvp_elo for Elo leaderboard.
  • Improved leaderboard match stat logging to allow for better tracking of info over time in the future.

21st August 2023


  • Updated Elden Ring weapon command crit motion values.
  • Updated Elden Ring weapon command defence values.
  • Updated ticketer module to allow ticketer attaching.
    • New ticketer buttons can be added to existing ticketer messages.
  • Updated /deletemessages command to allow an earliest and latest message to delete all messages between.
  • Improved bulk message delete logging.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed !fc start not working on twitch

13th August 2023

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug where daily match limits on a PvP leaderboard would cause /challenge commands to become unresponsive.
  • Fixed bug where time-limited polls would keep getting updated.
  • Fixed bug where Dark Souls builds would be added with incorrect level type.

12th July 2023

New Additions

  • Added discord repeat reminders with /reminder.


  • Added Invite Info text field for /tourney create that will only be shown in the invite message.
  • Added /ladder undo command to undo a match.
  • Updated profiles to display usernames instead of obsolete tags.
  • Improved /slugboard board selection autocomplete.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed twitch fightclub integration with pvp leaderboards.
  • Fixed a bug causing /activate to fail in some conditions.
  • Fixed ladder match display bug regarding player names with special characters.
  • Fixed ladder point decay not decaying small point totals.

5th July 2023


  • Updated /team command to allow the removal of non-members from teams.
  • Updated /respecc to slash command.
  • Updated MARKS tab of /slugs menu.
  • Updated CONFIG tab of /slugs menu to display planted process count.
  • Added activate/suspend button to /slug menu.
  • /rootkit rework
    • Using the /rootkit command now puts the user in ‘rootkit mode’.
    • All subsequent commands are run as if the rootkitted user ran them.
    • User can instantly clean a process if they have a rootkit on the owner and the process was planted via a rootkit.
    • User can activate/suspend a process if they have a rootkit on the owner and the process was planted via a rootkit.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed HIJACKED processes not inheriting rootkit owner if HIJACK or HIJACKER was planted via rootkit.
  • Fixed /steal displaying the wrong target options when run through a rootkit.
  • Fixed /leaderboard ELO displaying members/teams with no matches played.
  • Fixed bug causing /upgrade and /install commands to fail.
  • Fixed /respecc not responding.
  • Fixed ROOTKITs not needing to be upgraded to v1 to run levelups.

27th June 2023


  • Various discord event logging improvements.
  • Updated /rep to slash command.
  • Updated /setcolor to slash command.

4th June 2023


  • Updated poll to slash command.
  • Updated poll interaction to use buttons.
  • Updated bets interaction to use buttons.
  • Added timeBeforeCleanup ladder setting to control when completed challenge messages get deleted.
  • Added clear_option setting to RoleReacts.
  • Updated CLONER trigger notification messages to include uses until expire.
  • Added !cooldown twitch command.

Bug Fixes

  • Several Slugboard bug fixes.
  • Fixed Stock going under notification not being sent.
  • Fixed CLONER processes not expiring when they should.
  • Maybe fixed #lost-and-found process message sending.
  • Fixed issue causing slugbot to be untargetable in certain servers.

25th May 2023


  • Allowed for any number of Slugboards
  • Added delete threshold setting.
  • Added flag member list on hover.
  • Added ER build planner support to /build commands.
  • Added confirmation to /ladder reset.
  • Added point, matches played, and ELO options to /ladder reset.
  • Updated eloBlend ladder point setting to be a point multiplier that tries to pull player’s relative points towards their relative ELOs.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed !addbuild twitch command.
  • Fixed /weapon bestinclass commands always displaying damage with status included.
  • Fixed /weapon bestinclass damage display disappearing when the command timed out.
  • Fixed stock order bug.
  • Disabled process shop bid button if over trade limit.

23rd May 2023


  • Updated /weaponer display formatting.
  • Updated /weaponds3 display formatting.
  • Updated /allocatestatser display formatting.
  • Updated /allocatestatsds3 display formatting.
  • Added ELO display to /tourney status.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed /tourney autocomplete list not displaying all past tourneys.

13rd May 2023


  • Improved build embedding feedback.
  • Added setting ${value} value shortcuts.
  • image URLs sent in ticketer’s responses will now attempt to embed.
  • Added executor to MEMBER_UPDATE event log.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed some builds not being displayed correctly.
  • Fixed error feedback not displaying.
  • Fixed custom commands on twitch not working.

12nd May 2023

New Additions

  • Added Elden Ring build planner embedder.


  • Updated formatting for Soulsplanner embedder.
  • Added EMOJI CREATE event logger.
  • Added EMOJI DELETE event logger.

4th May 2023


  • Added permissions control for slugboard flagging.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed permissions error when whitelisted channels/roles are deleted.
  • Fixed member search for various commands not working.
  • Fixed Bug where set LB members were not decaying.
  • Fixed Bug where /elo would not respond.

24th April 2023


  • Added secondary and tertiary role options to roleReacts.
  • Removing roleReact options is now done by specifying the primary role of an option.
  • Improved channel permissions update logging.
  • /mute now asks for confirmation before muting.
  • Reduced cache memory usage.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed /weaponer bestinclass using invalid stroke by default.

16th April 2023

New Additions

  • New PROFILE_MOD border_cloud_0 added.
  • New PROFILE_MOD border_cloud_1 added.


  • Manually unmuting a muted member with an infinite duration will now log the updated mute duration.
  • /say now allows for an array of embeds in JSON format to all be sent in one message.
  • Economy transfers over time are now only logged every 10% as to not spam log display.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed custom permissions for logging being ignored.
  • Fixed unmutes not getting logged.
  • Fixed timed mutes not unmuting at the correct time when using a mute role.

31st March 2023

New Additions

  • New PROFILE_MOD border_celtic_0 added.
  • New PROFILE_MOD border_plasmodia added.
  • Added LATCH process type.


  • Added FORGET PROC button to scanned processes tab.
  • Added tax to levelup cost.
  • Leaderboard roleAtRank command moved to /ladder roleatrank.
  • Leaderboard roleAtRanks will now not be removed if the member qualifies for the role on at least one leaderboard.
  • Updated ${MATCH} flag to allow an index argument.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Pick/Ban embed failing to send if the icon emotes couldn’t be fetched.

12th March 2023

New Additions

  • Added Pick/Ban options for leaderboard matches


  • Improved Economy process initiation messages
  • Improved Tourney role handling.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed /deletemessages command failing when attempting to delete messages older than 14 days.

4th March 2023


  • Updated /lockdown to slash command.
  • Updated /activate to slash command.
  • Updated /suspend to slash command.
  • Updated /giveslugs to slash command.
  • Updated economy process injection log display.
  • Allowed /elo command to view team matches of a given member.
  • Updated PvP Leaderboards to display 50 ranks
  • Added demo response to /command add.
  • Added invite used to join log in /warn list.

Bug Fixes

  • Hopefully improved economy processes failing sometimes.
  • Improved UI when using a scan through a rootkit.
  • Fixed /challenge team command showing default teams.
  • Fixed last match played time being incorrectly saved.
  • Fixed matches not terminating when all members have left.
  • Fixed /suspend failing in DMs.
  • Fixed long command responses causing /command add to not send a confirmation.
  • Fixed custom command value and count updates not being saved correctly.
  • Fixed tourney reserve invites not being initiated.

20th February 2023


  • Refactored the flag replacer parser.
  • Made /command add a modal with text fields for input.
  • Added ladder player /iwon override with /ladder player_override iwon.
  • Added ladder player /ilost override with /ladder player_override ilost.
  • Added ladder player /challenge cancel override with /ladder player_override cancel.

New Additions

  • Added ${call: } flag replacer.
  • Added ${setvalue: } flag replacer.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed filter trigger mute chance sometimes not displaying in the log message.

12th February 2023


  • Added ability for members to create tourneys to be validated by admins.
  • Added tourney description and banner customisation modal.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed leaderboard challenges automatching with existing challenges that do not meet region limit parameters.
  • Fixed /tourney abort not working.
  • Fixed direct challenges becoming open challenges when the recipient cancels.

8th January 2023


  • /vc private now whitelists all current members of the VC at time of use.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed several instances of /vc commands failing.
  • Fixed /ladder reset not resetting point decay.
  • Fixed /ladder reset not setting to starting point value.
  • Fixed /elo not displaying reset times.
  • Fixed /bet autocomplete field not functioning.

12th December 2022


  • Updated Elden Ring weapon data for 1.08 changes.
  • Updated /allocatestatser and /weaponer to view paired attacks.
  • Updated counter hit and Spear Talisman counter hits to 1.08 values.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed incorrect motion values for Rusted Anchor.

4th December 2022


  • Updated /shop to slash command.
  • Added bid button to shop.
  • Updated /elo to allow team match history viewing.
  • Updated /challenge team to allow specific team challenges.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed /mute failing when member leaves during command being run.
  • Fixed various typos in command descriptions.

22nd November 2022

New Additions

  • Added /say command allowing admins to send and edit messages via SlugBot. Useful for server rule messages that can be edited by any admin.


  • Added give_role parameter to /ticketer update allowing a role to be given on ticket create.
  • Updated /stocks list display to show total profit.
  • Updated /stocks sell display to cap sell amount to the quantity of owned shares.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed /say message edit when original message was longer than 100 characters.
  • Fixed /challenge command listing leaderboards the user does not have access to.

18th November 2022


  • Welcome message, init, and global roles will now not apply until member has passed Rules Screening.
  • Added select menu to /stocks list.
  • Various other /stocks UI improvements.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed unmute command autocomplete.
  • Fixed Stocks sell order bug.
  • Fixed Stocks profit display.
  • Fixed Investment terminate UI bug.
  • Fixed Standard to Somber weapon upgrade level conversion.
  • Fixed Elo and starting points not instatiating correctly for some members.
  • Fixed custom command use count updating on restricted responses.
  • Fixed /tourney status display bug caused by host leaving server.
  • Prevented race condition issue when multiple players accept a leaderboard challenge at the same time.

26th October 2022


  • Added content_message option to ticketers allowing a custom message to be sent along with the submitted ticket embed.
  • Reworked /stocks.
  • Added ability to create stop and limit orders.

18th October 2022

New Additions

  • Added /bet command to start bets.


  • Added team functionality to PvP leaderboards.

31st August 2022

New Additions

  • Added Elden Ring item descriptions to !item


  • Added SlugBot AI opponent to /knuckleslug
  • Added the ability to put out an open challenge in /knuckleslug.
  • Added item descriptions and weapon icons to /weaponer and /allocatestatser.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug causing /ticketer update send_to_channel to fail.

3rd August 2022

New Additions

  • Added /knuckleslug minigame to economy module.


  • Updated /roleatlevel to slash command.
  • Updated /setexp to slash command (was !setscore).
  • Updated /setlevel to slash command.
  • Added roles-at-levels for weekly activity levels.
  • Added automatch ladder setting param.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug that would cause process scans to terminate prematurely.
  • Fixed bug causing /roleatlevel command to fail.
  • Fixed bug where /roleatlevel could not be used with level_add of 0.

19th July 2022


  • Added ability to automatically set participant and reserve roles for tourney invites.
  • Refactored /leaderboard to allow for modular leaderboards.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed !perms score not working (it is now !perms exp).

30th June 2022


  • Added HIJACK button to /slugs menu when selecting valid processes.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed interaction failed error when using /clean with invalid params.

23rd June 2022


  • Added ${IF: {\<boolean_expression>} option 1 | option 2} flag replacer.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed interaction timeout for several slash commands.

29th May 2022

New Additions

  • Added /tourney command to automatically handle tournament invites selecting from leaderboards.


  • /warn and /mute now store a message link to easily get back to when the action was performed.
  • Added logging perms to control which events in channels and by members get logged.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug with custom VCs not being cleaned up if host left the server.

3rd May 2022


  • Added Claw Talisman toggle to /weaponer command.
  • Improved word filter matching.
  • Added autocomplete to /filter remove <word> <word> argument.
  • Improved /ban and /mute target matching.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed counter hit display for /weaponer command.
  • Fixed point transfer from twitch FCs when syncing Twitch and Discord accounts.
  • Fixed bug where /rolereact <rolereact_id> failed to display autocomplete options.
  • Fixed bug where rolereacts failed to update in some cases.
  • Fixed bug where mic-muted channel perms were incorrectly set when going from one custom VC to another.
  • Fixed display error in challenge messages.

20th April 2022


  • Updated motion values for ER weapon commands.
  • Updated guard values for ER weapon commands.
  • Updated scaling values for ER weapon commands.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug with rolereacts allowing two options to give the same role.
  • Fixed bug with Custom VC mic-muted channels not initialising with the correct permissions.
  • Fixed Greatsword weapon using incorrect motion values.
  • Fixed incorrect status MVs for crits.
  • Tentative fix for custom VC cleanup issues.

10th April 2022


  • Updated /exclusivechar to slash command.
  • Add automatic thread creation for leaderboard challenges.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed incorrect weapon being recognised by name in /weaponer.
  • Fixed Spear Talisman toggle not working.

27th March 2022

New Additions

  • Added /allocatestatser for stat allocation for Elden Ring weapons.
  • Added /weaponer for weapon data for Elden Ring weapons.


  • Changed /allocatestats to /allocatestatsds3 for DS3 stat allocation.
  • Changed /weapon to /weaponds3 for DS3 weapon data.
  • Updated /range command to work with Elden Ring summon ranges.
  • Updated /igot command to work with Elden Ring level calculation.
  • Updated /ladder to slash command.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Frost aux scaling with reinforce.
  • Fixed /allocatestatser ignoring fth scaling.
  • Fixed /weaponer bestinclass holy AR display.
  • Fixed !igot twitch command for ER.
  • Added failsafe to custom VC cleanup.

24th February 2022


  • Updated /usernote to slash command.

14th February 2022


  • Added ‘dead leafing’ to the slugboard. By default, reacting with a dead leaf will count as -1 leaf to the slugboard.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed visual bug when setting a rank range limit on a challenge before being ranked.
  • Fixed visual bug when giving fractional rep

8th February 2022


  • Ported Twitch API wrapper to @twurple.
  • Improved responsiveness of /streamer remove streamer argument autocomplete.
  • Added autocompete to /command remove command argument.
  • Added autocompete to /slugs target argument.
  • /slugs menu now refreshes data on tab change.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed daily when used through a ROOTKIT.
  • Fixed crack when used through a ROOTKIT.
  • Fixed UI error when cleaning own process with the REMOVE PROCESS button.
  • Fixed !blackjack bug when getting 21 with three or more cards.
  • Fixed bug where banned member could sometimes get unbanned.

1st February 2022

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed !userinfo not working with no arguments.
  • Fixed !blackjack incorrectly calling a draw on some instances of getting blackjack.

25th January 2022


  • Updated /range to slash command.
  • Updated /levelup to slash command.
  • Updated /invest to slash command.
  • Added autocomplete to /invest terminate.
  • Added cross-server setting for /memberevent allowing member events to be displayed in all servers the member shares with slugbot.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed rounding error with /range command.
  • Fixed member events failing to take level data.
  • Fixed member events failing to take set build data.
  • Fixed member events not timing out.
  • Fixed /vc commands not working for Custom VCs.

10th January 2022


  • Updated /allocatestats algorithm to be more accurate.
  • Updated /guildinfo to slash command.

New Additions

  • Added temporary VC creation and customisation.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Remove process button not working.

10th December 2021


  • Reformatted weapon data in prep for Elden Ring.
  • Added infusion selection to /weapon.
  • Slightly improved speed of /allocatestats
  • Updated /build to slash command.
  • /build now includes add, remove, and list subcommands.

30th November 2021


  • Updated /poise to slash command.
  • Added weapon descriptions to /weapon.
  • Added autocomplete to /weapon info weapon argument.
  • Added autocomplete to /plant target argument.
  • Added autocomplete to /crack target argument.

24th November 2021


  • !warnlog removed. Functionality moved to /warn list

  • /warn now has a confirmation step before warning.

  • /warn now DMs the target user.

  • Various time displays updated.

  • Updated /install to slash command.

  • Updated /uninstall to slash command.

  • Updated /upgrade to slash command.

  • Updated /downgrade to slash command.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed /daily display.
  • Fixed /crack with rootkit
  • Fixed /bypass with rootkit
  • Fixed /clean with rootkit
  • Fixed missing password argument in /memberevent.
  • Fixed level and upgrade argments in /memberevent.
  • Fixed /slugs in DMs.

15th November 2021


  • Added ${DELETE} flag replacer to delete the message that matched the trigger.

6th November 2021


  • Updated /ban to slash command.
  • Updated /warn to slash command.
  • Updated /unmute to slash command.
  • Added autocomplete to /unmute member param
  • Added autocomplete to /challenge leaderboard param
  • Added rank_range param to /challenge allowing users to limit the rank of the opponent to within a range.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed permissions overrides for command > module > global permissions.
  • Fixed dead streams notification failsafe

8th October 2021


  • Updated /deletemessages to slash command.
  • /deletemessages now takes member as an optional argument. Not supplying a member will delete the last X messages by any member.
  • Updated /rank to slash command.
  • Updated /mute to slash command.
  • Updated /filter to slash command.
  • Added failsafe for dead stream notifications.
  • Added failsafe for dead challenge notifications.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed linebreaks in ${rand: } replacer flag not behaving properly.

28th September 2021


  • /weapon info now displays counter hit damage where applicable.
  • Added Leo ring toggle for /weapon info where applicable.

21st September 2021

New Additions

  • Added /persistentroles command to manage persistent roles.


  • Added Weekly Top Sleg SC reward.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug where incorrect attacker was displayed for onAccountAccessed log.

10th September 2021


  • Added physical infusion only toggle to /allocatestats.
  • Updated Ladder challenge interface.
  • Updated investment graphs.

New Additions

  • Auto fix broken embed links from copied video URLs on mobile.

8th September 2021


  • Improved time formatting in various locations.
  • Added point decay regeneration display in ladder messages.
  • Improved UI for ladder challenges.

6th September 2021

New Additions

  • ${MUTE: <duration>} replacer flag added.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug with twitch ${timeout: <duration>} flag when duration was greater than 9 seconds.

4th September 2021

New Additions

  • New PROFILE_MOD border_glow_fire_outer added.
  • New PROFILE_MOD border_glow_lightning_outer added.


  • Updated /weapon to slash command.
  • Increased contract reward for CORRUPTOR plants.

31st August 2021


  • Updated /allcatestats to slash command.
  • Improved !rep argument parsing.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed removing process from !slugs menu not resetting selection.

29th August 2021


  • Added sales tax.

Bug Fixes

  • Various formatting errors with process displays.

27th August 2021

New Additions

  • New PROFILE_MOD border_dog added.
  • New PROFILE_MOD border_snake_light_0 added.
  • New PROFILE_MOD border_snake_light_1 added.
  • New PROFILE_MOD border_snake_light_2 added.
  • New PROFILE_MOD border_snake_dark_0 added.
  • New PROFILE_MOD border_snake_dark_1 added.
  • New PROFILE_MOD border_snake_dark_2 added.


  • Added DISC company stocks to the stock market.
  • DISC stock trend is influenced by the general activity across all servers with slugbot.
  • Updated /names to slash command.
  • Updated /avatar to slash command.
  • Updated /daily to slash command.
  • Updated /vault to slash command.

25th August 2021

New Additions

  • You can now buy and sell stocks in “companies”.
  • New PROFILE_MOD border_dragon added.

22nd August 2021


  • Updated /streamer to slash command.
  • SKIMMERs now accurately display how much they skim.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug in economy tutorial stopping progression at stage 4.
  • Fixed bug with process descriptions being too long to embed in select menus.
  • Fixed bug when streamer in streamer notification list gets banned while live, making it impossible to remove them from the notification list.

18th August 2021


  • Updated slugs, plant, bypass, crack, and clean to /slash commands.
  • These commands will now also use the new discord buttons and select menus.
  • Button in /slugs menu to begin the CLEAN process directly.
  • Refactored process display to lay the groundwork for more useful data to be displayed on each process (graphing LEECH earnings over time, process logs, etc).
  • Increased profile slime duration to four weeks.
  • Updated member event participation buttons.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed initial Member Event display.

11th August 2021


  • Updated Discord.js to v13!

  • !addcommand and !removecommand have been removed and replaced with /command add and /command remove slash commands.

  • !challange has been updated and can now be used as a slash command.

  • !weapon will now display multiple weapons simultaneously if multiple weapons are given, allowing for easy comparison.

  • Process messages now use buttons for injections instead of reactions.

Bug Fixes

  • !whowas command now works again.

1st August 2021


  • Word filter algorithm made more efficient.

25th July 2021

New Additions

  • Added ExclusiveChar module.
  • A character or string can be specified as exclusive to specific members. The character/string will be removed from all but the specified member’s display names and appended to the specified member’s display names.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug allowing you to respecc into stats that would not support your process configuration.

22nd July 2021


  • Viewing the marks of another user will now be obfuscated depending on what processes you have identified.
  • Respecc’ing now takes 24 hours to complete and can be cancelled any time by removing the RESPECC process.
  • Added error feedback when !twitch command can not send a DM to user.

Bug Fixes

  • Removed ability to attempt to install invalid process types.

20th July 2021


  • Added admin page to !userinfo command. Invite info and moderator notes are now displayed there.

16th July 2021

New Additions

  • New PROFILE_MOD border_fracture added.
  • New PROFILE_MOD border_cat added.


  • Improved memory usage when displaying PROFILE_MOD previews.
  • PROFILE_MOD previews and your own profile can now be viewed in DMs with slugbot.

12th July 2021

New Additions

  • !comp <target> <stat> command for the economy module, allowing users to temporarily compromise a target’s stats.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed !deletemessages command not working on messages where the author had left the server.

7th July 2021

Bug Fixes

  • Processes hijacked or created via processes initiated through ROOTKITs should now properly inherit ROOTKIT ownership.

30th June 2021


  • Accepted ladder challenges can now be cancelled if both parties use !challenge cancel.
  • Region roles and rank of the challenger are now displayed in the challenge message.
  • Unmutes will now be logged in set #mod-log channels.

17th June 2021


  • Improved Discord > Twitch account link process.

13th June 2021

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed raffle module.

12th June 2021


  • Added !fightclub force <member1> <member2> command to force a fight between two members in a fightclub.

9th June 2021

New Additions

  • Added ROOTKIT process. Allows remote control of another user.


  • Improved ladder leaderboard display.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug where leveling a stat while planting a process would error the process.

7th June 2021


  • !elo now displays all past matches separated into pages.
  • !elo now displays when the ladder was reset.

4th june 2021

New Additions

  • Added !roleAtLadderRank command, allowing roles to be given and taken away automatically based on member’s rank in PvP ladders.
  • Added twitch fight club handling. Can sync with discord ladders.


  • Added customisable point decay to ladder.

25th May 2021

Bug Fixes

  • Logging should now properly log invite used for new members.
  • Command use rate limit should now not trigger when an invalid command is used.

21st May 2021


  • !daily now gives an extra 1000sc per power level.

13th May 2021

New Additions

  • Added CONTRACT processes.
  • CONTRACTs will be generated once a day and put on the shop.

11th May 2021


  • ’Invite used’ info will now be displayed in the ‘MEMBER JOINED’ log message if possible.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed ‘Invite used’ info not always displaying in !userinfo response when used by an admin and invite data was present.
  • Fixed padding error with avatars in profiles.

26th April 2021


  • HIJACKERs success chance now slightly decays with each successful hijack.
  • HIJACKs and HIJACKERs will now fail if the attacker already has a similar process to the one being hijacked.
  • Level up duration has been uncapped (was capped at 14 days).
  • Added settings customisation to PvP ladder using !ladder <ladder name> <setting> <value>.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed REDIRECT notifications not sending in certain circumstances.
  • Fixed !so on twitch erroring when no previous stream data is found.

16th April 2021


  • Added Slugboard leaderboard !leaderboard slugboard/
  • Added slugboard embed colour customisation !slugboard color <hex color>.

13th April 2021

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed occasional miscounts with slugboarded messages.

11th April 2021


  • Investment saturation is now based on total amount invested instead of number of investments in a guild/channel. This means a small investment won’t affect the return rate as much.
  • Reduced Install and upgrade taxes.
  • Improved SlugBot AI.

5th April 2021


  • Rolereacts can now be put on any message using !rolereact create <msg ID>

27th Match 2021

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed !banme not working in certain circumstances.

18th March 2021

New Additions

  • Added ability to slime other member’s profiles with !slime <member>.
  • Added border_glow_shard_outer profile mod.

5th March 2021

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug causing !whowas command to fail.

27th February 2021

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug with certain failed respeccs not ending the action correctly.

20th February 2021


  • Stat Rework
    • Added configuration tab in !slugs menu.
    • Processes can now be installed and uninstalled with !install and !uninstall.
    • Processes can now be upgraded and downgraded with !upgrade and !downgrade.
    • Stat levels now control available slots for processes to occupy.
    • Process plant duration formula updated to have diminishing returns.
  • Added !lockdown command to force a short account lockdown. duration governed by Encryption stat.
  • BYPASS_VIRUS renamed to CLONER
  • CLONER expires after a number of activations. Number increases with upgrade level.
  • Only one CLONER will trigger per target if multiple are planted on them.
  • LEECH now takes a small fraction of target’s current balance every hour.
  • REDIRECT now increases redirected process duration if the plant time on the redirect target would be longer.
  • Upgrading VAULT process will increase vault capacity.
  • Various upgrade levels for processes. Use !upgrade <process type> to get a description of what each upgrade level does.
  • Deleting !log command message will now also delete the log menu.
  • Adding a ❌ reaction to the process message of a process you own will now remove the process.
  • Cleaning processes takes longer if the process is not planted on you.
  • Cleaning processes takes a shorter amount of time if you know it is planted on you.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug with Interceptor stat_boosts not working.

15th February 2021

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed improper parsing of flag replacers when name contained parentheses.

1st February 2021


  • Added Bloodborne item descriptions to !item command.
  • Improved !item command search algorithm to better find matches in item descriptions.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed blackjack payout multiplier.

29th January 2021

New Additions

  • Added !blackjack <bet> command.
  • Added !teambuilder [member, [member, [...]]] <team count> command. Will try to evenly distribute members among the stated number of teams, or if no members were stated, will allow anyone to react and be put in a random team.

25th January 2021


  • !remindme now allows for decimal time values.

9th January 2021


  • Added ${math: <expression>} flag replacer.
  • Improved flag replacer nesting.

5th January 2021

Bug Fixes

  • fixed muted members not being muted again after leaving and rejoining.

29th December 2020

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed SlugBot disconnecting from twitch then not properly re-authenticating and reconnecting.

4th December 2020

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed order of permission checks.

29th November 2020


  • RoleReacts can now have a set ‘required’ role. Only members with that role will be allowed to use the RoleReact. The required role will be displayed in the RoleReact.

Bug Fixes

  • Improved dynamic caching to hopefully fix reaction events not emitting on bot restart.

12th November 2020

New Additions

  • Added !setscore and !setlevel commands for admins to set member’s activity score and level values.

Bug Fix

  • Fixed error causing !invest command to fail.

11th November 2020


  • A DM notification will now be sent to winning ladder betters.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed hijacked PROFILE_MODs not properly disabling the border for the original owner.
  • Fixed ability to have multiple STEALs running on one user.

10th November 2020


  • Updated command documentation page on website to include module names.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Crow Quills weapon type in database.

4th November 2020

New Additions

  • Settable init role that will be given to new members once. Will not be reapplied if removed like the global role.


  • Putting a process on sale will unveil the actual target if the target had been spoofed.
  • HIJACKERs now hijack transfers on process init.

Bug Fixes

  • Can no longer suspend PvP roll transfers.
  • Servers should no longer get unverified after a bot restart.
  • Fixed open challenges ignoring ladder types.

30th October 2020


  • Ladder challenge bets now scale such that each bet is +(5000sc + half existing bet). Allows for bigger bets without having to spam the react as much.
  • !ladder remove <ladder name> command added.
  • Injector effect on initial injection chance and injection chance reduction reduced.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed challenges in servers with multiple ladders defaulting to a ladder when the reaction menu timed out.

26th October 2020


  • Corruptors will now parially obfuscate HONEYPOT and REDIRECT notifications, obscuring the owner name and process type of the trapped process.
  • Ladder betting now increases the amount bet each time to make it easier to bet larger amounts.

25th October 2020

New Additions

  • STAT_BOOST process. Grants temporary stat boosts on activation.


  • !daily now has a chance to generate random stat boosts.
  • STEALs can no longer be suspended.

24th October 2020


  • !giveslugs will now cap amount at effective slug balance including running transfers.

Bug Fixes

  • !giveme should work again now.
  • Fixed porting over role settings to new backend.

22nd October 2020

Bug Fixes

  • A tonne more bug fixes across the board.
  • Fixed !giveme not responding with confirmation.
  • Fixed !streamer command not working.

21st October 2020


  • Ladders can now be renamed with !ladder <ladder name> rename <new name>.

Bug Fixes

  • An ungodly number of bugfixes due to the caching changes of the discord library. Pretty much every module needed to be updated.

17th October 2020


  • Added !roll anyone <bet> functionality to !roll. Allows anyone to join the roll. After 5 minutes the roll commences.
  • Servers can now have multiple ladders at the same time.
    • Use !ladder create <ladder title> in the channel you wish to use as the leaderboard channel.
    • When challenging a member in a server with multiple ladders, the user can specify the ladder at the end of the command or use the reactions to select a ladder from a list.
    • !elo lets users view their stats and match history per ladder.

Bug Fixes

  • Added self-correcting to duplicate investments due to discord lag.

13th October 2020

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the reddit video embedding module.

4th October 2020

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed markdown characters in usernames interfering with embed formatting.

3rd October 2020


  • Added border_dashitek_0 to shop pool.
  • Removed botAdmin permission overrides. Disabling a command/module will also disable it for admins/moderators.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed last TRANSFER/STEAL interval happening after completion.

1st October 2020


  • Allowed moderators to end any poll in their server by providing the poll message ID.

Bug Fix

  • Fixed profile mods displaying in spoofed !slugs menu if viewer does not have the process identified.
  • Fixed twitch custom commands not working.

30th September 2020

Bug Fix

  • Fixed bug where removing a bypass would suspend processes in progress even if the process didn’t require a bypass to plant.
  • Fixed LEECH processes not starting with the correct potency.

26th September 2020


  • Improved !roll input parsing.
  • Clamped gambling bets to effective balance after all outbound transfers.

Bug Fix

  • Fixed [winner takes all] description not displaying.

25th September 2020


  • Added ‘winner takes all’ rolls. Add ‘all in’ to the end of the !roll command to change the payout mode to ‘winner takes all’.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed pvp roll when one member has a negative balance.
  • Fixed some TRANSFER processes not removing themselves.
  • Fixed SlugBot trying to remove transfers to SlugBot.

24th September 2020


  • Refactored process intevals to allow for minimum durations of 10 seconds.
  • Added PvP !roll.
    • Mention one or more members to challenge them to a roll.
    • All members must accept before the roll proceeds.
    • Roll will cancel if member accepts but does not have the funds to match the bet.
    • Amount won/lost is proportional to how high you rolled.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed incorrect percentage being displayed in transfer logs
  • Hopefully tricked Discord into displaying graphs correctly.
  • Fixed bug with some scans not displaying their description properly.

23rd September 2020


  • Increased minimum detect chance for CRACK and BYPASS processes.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed SlugBot attempting to bypass when currently at bypass limit.

22nd September 2020


  • HIJACKER processes will now send a notification when a process is hijacked.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed hijackers failing to hijack any process.
  • Fixed scans incorrectly limiting scanned processes to specified filter.

21st September 2020


  • Lowered the frequency of STEAL transfers to once per minute.
  • Made TRANSFER messages update at least once every 2.5 minutes.
  • Added “Amount transferred” field to transfer messages.
  • Added some plant duration fuzzing.

20th September 2020


  • Decreased levelup durations to give people more levels to play with.
  • !streamer list can now be used by all members instead of just bot admins.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug with concealError not properly uncovering process properties.
  • Fixed bug where a start steal error was not correctly stopping the process initiation.

19th September 2020

New Additions

  • Added Phase glow profile mod to the shop pool.
  • Added CORRUPTOR process.
    • Can plant up to 3 CORRUPTORs per mark. Each CORRUPTOR increases how much the target’s logs will be obfuscated.
    • Each CORRUPTOR reduces the chance of TRACKER scans.
    • CORRUPTORs do not require a bypass to plant.


  • Added !transfer as !giveslugs synonym.
  • Made the last interval of STEAL and TRANSFER always transfer the last 1%.

Bug Fixes

  • Renabling a suspended TRACKER will only show user logs back to when the tracker was enabled and not when the TRACKER was originally planted.

17th September 2020


  • Updated !clean and !hijack documentation.
  • Increased effectiveness of Injector stat with regards to initial injection success chance and injection success chance decay.
  • Increased REDIRECT plant duration.
  • Improved STEAL logs.
  • !giveslugs now transfers SC over time using a TRANSFER process.
    • Duration based on WIRE stat.
    • Injection success chance regenerates faster than normal processes.
    • TRANSFER processes can be hijacked. The hijacker becomes the recipient.
  • Reduced the severity of Balance Error consequences.
  • SlugBot will now periodically scan itself and clean processes off itself.
    • Processes owned by higher level players will be prioritised.
  • Command message when a !steal attempt fails gets deleted immediately.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug allowing suspended TRACKER processes to still function.
  • Minor bug fix with display of scan inject when process is already fully identified.

16th September 2020

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug allowing anyone to view any user’s !slugs menu

15th September 2020


  • Redirects can now be planted using a BYPASS ID for both the target and the redirect target.
  • Reduced the severity of injection fail consequences.
    • Stat vulnerabilities are more likely.
    • process corrupt error is less likely.
    • Delay consequence delays less.
  • Capped !higherlower bet at max vault capacity. (I would have capped the other gambling games but people would have got mad.)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed minor display bug with obfuscated balance history graphs.

14th September 2020


  • Reformatted the website and added more to the Economy Guide.
  • Added !hilo as a command synonym for !higherlower.

New Additions

  • Added more filigree profile mod variations to shop pool.
  • Added Smoke glow profile mod to the shop pool.

13th September 2020


  • Allowed users to specify a starting tab for !slugs menu by appending the tab emoji when using the command.
  • A bypass process ID can now be given with the !slugs command to view the target’s account.
  • Using !slugs to view a mark’s account no longer has to be done in a channel the mark can see.
  • Made certain process-fail-to-start conditions auto-delete the error message.

Bug Fixes

  • Sanitised usernames to alleviate possible bugs with markdown formatting.

11th September 2020


  • Added optionally displaying new member’s profiles with the welcome message.
  • Improved !roll to allow for multiple dice rolls.
  • Improved time parsing for all modules that use it.
  • Initial injection success chance will now stay the same for restarted processes.
  • Changed diminishing returns of scan duration based on scanner level.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug where removing a BYPASS on self would cause some planting processes to be suspended.

9th September 2020

New Additions

  • Poll module added. Users can now create polls that allow other users to vote on the specified options.
    • !poll [description] 1: <option 1 description> 2: <option 2 description> [...] command to start a poll.
    • !poll end command will end the user’s most recent poll and display the final results.
    • !poll end [poll msg ID] command will attempt to terminate a poll with the given message ID.


  • Improved suspended process duration handling.
    • The duration a process has been suspended will no longer affect fast track or delay durations.
    • UI elements displaying process duration will now be more accurate.
  • Reduced STEAL fast track amount.

8th September 2020


  • SlugBot_AI now attempts to plant processes in channels the target has access to.
  • Adjusted initial injection success chance to be more affected by injector stat.
  • !log now allows for process IDs to be specified to show logs pertaining to only those processes.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed error with the removing filter fail response.
  • Correctly sorted auction list buy time remaining on sale.

7th September 2020


  • Twitch tokens get automatically refreshed when they expire.
  • !Log now fetches a page at a time, saving memory and making the embed load faster.
  • Suspended processes no longer count towards user’s process limits when attempting to activate suspended processes.
  • Capped account lockdown duration to 7 days.

Bug Fixes

  • Excluded duplicate process types when specifying scan parameters.
  • Fixed SlugBot_AI attempting to use itself as a redirect target.

6th September 2020

New Additions

  • !steal released
    • User’s can start a STEAL process after bypassing and cracking a target.
    • STEAL will transfer a large amount rapidly.
    • Injection chance rapidly regenerates.
    • Target has a chance to detect the steal attempt depending on their scanner level.
    • Account lockdown for some duration after steal relative to how much was stolen.
    • A locked down account can not be stolen from until it expires


  • Refactored how skimmers function to be more efficient.
  • Hijacked processes get automatically suspended if user is at their process caps.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug where !roll could sometimes display another user’s roll result.
  • Fixed RegEx issue with !allocatestats